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12-1-2017 Uly stripdown for coating, S1 custom

13-1-2017 - 12-1-2017 Buell Ulysses stripdown for coating, Buell S1 more custom work

some buells are work horses, this one has 3 weeks holiday, so we can make things a little bit nicer, as some parts starting to corrode under the coating

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first off , tail section , seat lock bracket

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locating the feed plug for the power port in the rear

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tail light out with 2 nuts

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carfeful for the 2 rubber bushings from the tail light

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remove the 4 bolts holding the tail section

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and you can take off the complete tail , unscrew the wire cover panel to get to the mounting bolts for the licenceplate holder

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in side the tail section there are the screws for the handgrips

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loosen these and the passenger tray comes off , taking off the lock

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one off the reasons, heavy corrosion

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the back rest mechanisme is very simple , removing the nylon bushing takes a little Wd40 and a little wiggeling with a flat screw driver , take the pushrod out

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and take a screw driver to push out the "button "

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next free the cabeles and fuse box

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to get to the ground cable / battery tray screws

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i will clean these when i mount this back

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ecm out , hold the front nut with your finger, the plastic holder tabs can get old and do not hold the nut inplace anymore

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shock clip off to get to the 2 front undertray screws

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left and right ... these where already loose ? willput some locktite on these

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left rail off

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long extention for the front battery box screw.. as this is reccessed a little

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and battery try out

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right side rail , brake reservoir... brembo.... metric screws ;-)

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with the battey out the rest is not that heavy i leave this like this

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ok front stripping

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as the front pieces also start to corrode

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head light screws out

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and bracket loose and remove it

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indicators off ( well hidden )

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cables loose and unplug the dash

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3 nuts for the dash.. i felt this one has allot off play.. i will replace the rubbers, these are a little worn out

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the 4 screws out to hold the upper part

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and take the power port out , needle nose pliers will do

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take your security bit for the ignition switch , and loosen the switch and side plate bolts

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the right plate holds also the brake line , so loosen this one

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moving on to the rear wheel... all weather bike , customer exused him self , he wanted to clean it a little..

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will take off the inner belt guard so it will not damage the new coating on the wheels

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rear pully will also be replaced.. this one is gone

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temp wheel in so i can move the bike in the shop

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front fender off

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and start removing the front wheel

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just in time again... bearings are nearly gone

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als temp wheel in , so i can use the lift in the mean while the wheels are being coated

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striping the wheels , nice disk :-) hold out very well

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problem with all weather bikes.., the brake springs corrode stuck in the wheel

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with a little pushing up and down i could get the most out,

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but there is always the one that don't want to play nice.. these springs are brittle , i will clean the holes and put a little neverseas on the springs

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tyre off , clean the valve threads first before you try to remove it , there fragile thin alu

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and rear wheel... bearings are also about gone.. as the disk is about stainless.. the corrosion you see is dirt and corrosion from the bearings

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noop not even going to try to unscrew these by hand... i will break theme all ... with a impact wrech ..prrrrprrrrprrr and there out

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pully bolts the same, but as the pully is seased on the wheel i put 2 back in as i need to knock the pulley off from the other side

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metal valve caps... not nice on allweather bikes... needed pliers to remove these... i will put pack some plastic ones

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wheel firmly supported on protective service.. knocking off the old pulley

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the bolt are there to keep the pully from flying off

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large part off the wheels the coating is complety gone...

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need to clean the pully hub and put some neverseas on with mounting

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so parts boxed up.. and wheels and tail send to the coater

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S1 custom project progres, really didnot like the old finish on the rocker box... so took theme off and send theme out for coating.. looks much better like this

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

made a new bracket and spacers for the rear caliper

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goal was to hide the caliper a little , and make it nice , as the old bracket was fabricobbled , did not made the cut for this bike

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gear shifter back on , starting to look like a bike

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wanted a little engine porn... so made goodridge AN fittings in the oil pump and oil lines blue lines with AN connectors :-)

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routing the wire harness.. i put in a battery to see how i can route it the cleanest

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retapping ground holes

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pingel sensor for the ignition , and ignition switch wiring insid the frame

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map sensor on this ignition

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as also a head heat sensor

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temp sensor need to be mounted on the intake as replacement for a mounting screw

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horn back on

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