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9-12-2016 Xb Winter check. S1 bigbore
17-12-2016 - 9-12-2016 Buell XB12 Winter check. Buell S1 bigbore
XB12 STT turned around to do the front end
braking was not really pleasing , as i notice marking bands on the disk.. with a sharpy much easier to make it visible
ligthly aply the brake and turn the wheel
you see where the markings fade and where not.. disk is warped douse not have to mean you notice a jutter in this case it just douse not brake as hard as it should
corroded screws , i will put some new ones in
and the front tyre is more triangle than round.. and almost gone..
fresh tyre on.. and our brake disk
check the hardware.. if ok. new loctite on the screws and tighten these to 35 Nm
don't reuse old pads on new disk you transfer the wear pattern back in the disk
new pads. caliper on the disk
fresh bolts
and tighten the axle
preload the front a few times and tighten the pinch bolts
you see here the axle is deeper than the fork.. don't tighten the crash protection to hard, you will turn the legs in and suspention becomes sticky
some more corroded screws
looks allot better with new ones
throttle pull cable replacement.. flyscreen off
full house...
made some room to get to the throttle cables ( as these are ziptite out off the factory )
new cable routed in
and in the grip
yes good and snappy again
airbox can be remounted
running warm... and test ride :-)
nice view on a poorted head :-)
i will clean the valves first before i put theme back in
testing fitting barrels on
cut cam cover
it looks clean.. but better option should been to leave the piece on with the locating pin.. now the cover is only located with 1 pin.. and you can move the cover up and down... cam and crank alinement in the bushings is a big word
especaly when you see welding on you cams :-)custom redshift grinds
checking the pushrod bases
they clean
but the cylinder base gasket needs a litlle trimming , as the o-rings for the pushrod cover base plates run halfway over theme , custom stuf.. .work is never done ;-)